Ana Ortiz from 2ºC has developed a perfect planning of her life. She is depicting how her life has been and at the same time she´s predicting how she expects it to be in the future...the only thing I can say is I hope the car accident not to happen!!...She is using the Past Simple to talk about actions that have already occurred. There are some grammatical mistakes but we are glossing over them (they are of no importance) however I would like to mention something about vocabulary: templates are used as a model to make comparisons, insoles are the word "plantillas" Ana intended to use. Congratulations Ana! Good job!
maestro jesus la verdad esque esta pag wed esta muy bien para comunicarnos contigo.y... haber cuando es el proximo esamen amm ponlo facilito que nos cansamos de estudiar emm ademas tenemos mas examenes en toda la semana emm weno hay decir que eres muy wena ente pero haber si pones menos esamenes emm weno xaito hasta el lunes vale pero esque hay que levantarse muy temprano para ir al instituto lo deberian abrir mas tarde y por supusto pues salir mas temprano
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