domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

...on a desert island

And now let´s imagine that we are lost on a desert island, which things could you do? and which ones could not? Let´s check what our students of 1º A and 1º E think about it. Great works dudes!!

The chosen works have been those of:


Manuel Morillo Mora

Carlos Muñoz Peinado

Justo Chico Fernández

José Manuel Sánchez Cárdenas


Luz María Pelayo Araujo

Álvaro Ramírez Ruiz

Alba Montano Pelayo

Francisco José Ortíz Diosdado

Enrique Manuel Pérez Ariza

Loli Quintero Jiménez

Ana Tetuán Blanco

Lorena Villalta Barragán

I´m sorry for 1ºA but this time 1º E has won...

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Fashion and Style by 3ºA

This is the result of what Fashion and Style stand for, at least for 3ºA. Pay attention to the vocabulary and try to ideantify the words in the texts.